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Ring Secretary: 0409 802 944
Secretary: 0448 883 512


The Golden Mile Racing Pigeon Club had its Annual General meeting.
The 2024 committee is as follows: welcome to our new committee members.
Chairman Tony Perkins, Vice Chairman Greg Hodgins, Treasurer Tony Perkins
Secretary Michael Donnellan
Committee: Bronte Andrewartha, Grant Paterson.
The Golden Mile wishes to thank everyone who attended and to those who helped me make the
Squeaker sale was a complete success. I was hoping for 40 birds and raised around $3000, well the pigeon community turned up with 80 birds raising $4700. Now I can start to help others. I mustadmit the overwhelming support took me by surprise. It was a terrific day, and I am so thankful.
The 13 return Members Club will pay full membership to have the chance to win an Association
race, given they only have 10 birds each, it’s now up to me to get the best out of their birds. Just
some background on a return member that turned up to pay his fees, he is 90 years old and was
full of smiles seeing the cage and I could tell he was so excited to just attend on a race day and
wait for his pigeons to come home. This is why I took on this task to help others. I am at the loft
from 8-11am 7 days a week.
Next year I have 8 more retired members wanting to join, if you know of anyone no longer racing,please contact me Tony Perkins 0401 818 862.

Hi Everyone,
Attached is a list of the One Loft Race birds.
I have replaced any lost pigeons with my own and Geoff Cawte's birds.
Please check for my mistakes and if you have any questions please let me know.

The birds fly around for 30 minutes every morning then take off again at least 6 times a day until I feed them at 10am. Only a couple are not fully fit, they are being managed. Half of them are still in the moult.

There is a television program in Melbourne called "Get On", it's a horse Racing show on which we have managed to get some air time with the help of Michael Donnellan. We have offered the 4 panelists 2 birds each to compete in the Race. Any money the four panelists win will be donated to charity. The Association will be donating money towards this as it is a promotion for the SAHPA. For this promotion we will be using Michael Donnellan, Geoff Cawte, Joe Jackson and Peter Burke's entries. These guys will still receive some prize money if their bird wins.
Details on how to log in to the Golden Mile "Benzing Live One Loft Race" are at the bottom of the attachment.

Regards Tony Perkins (SAHPA General Secretary 0448 883 512)

Here are all the birds >>>
   Payment details for 2024 GMC racing

1. One Loft Race (OLR) - $75 per member for 2 birds

2. Retired Members Club (RMC) - $100 per member for 10 birds

Please advise Tony Perkins (0401 818 862) or David Walker (450 107 545) of your payments to CommBank BSB 065 125 Acct 1045 1687